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December 06, 2005



And only now I come to read this.


I certainly can't think of anything else to say.


This has been on my desktop now for almost 24 hours and I still don't know what to do.

Doesn't seem quite right to say, I'm thinking of you, and leave it at that when in fact I've never met you. But I am thinking of you. Of where your life is at. Of how people relate and continually move in and out of each other's lives.

Sometimes it seems to me there are so many things to think about that I'm surprised any real living actually gets done.


Everything I have said to you already, in email, on the phone, on Scrine, I repeat ten thousand times.

If you need any company, I will call you so fast that my cellphone will melt. (I know, I know, if the phone melts, I won't be able to call you. I'll try dialing just a little bit slower. ;)


Oh man! I'm sorry you have so much shit on your plate! Gah


Sending you some best wishes because that's all I can do. Oh, that and a little emoticon hug. I can do that too.



I don't really know what to say but I have heard you. Hang on.


I'm conflicted! I want to sail over the moon with you, I don't know if you know it but your writing is full of brightness and hope, even when the subject matter is intense. At the same time I want to sit quietly and mourn this painful turn of events. I'm so sorry and feel deeply for you. Is it for sure?

Two years later the pain of my own divorce is still keenly felt. Let me know if there's anything I can do, I'll be thinking about you.

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